What is this?

ALCHAMY is a combination of my own name, Amy, and "alchemy", the word for the historical discipline of purifying and transforming matter.

This site is about transforming the self through study, practice, and experimentation. I focus on professional life because that's where my interests lie and where the results of putting in the work first show up.

Why am I writing?

In 2017, I went through a few major career inflection points. I scoured the literature on business for stories like the one I felt like I was living out, to no avail. 

If you are like me and are going down the same path I did, then I hope I've been able to turn my story into something that is helpful to you.

Who am I?

I'm an ambitious, conscientious 20-something. I've long been fascinated with how people get - and stay - productive, creative, and sane. I love to broaden my horizons by reading and listening to podcasts.